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2019 akhilasoukhya

Let’s resolute to make 2019 the beginning of a healthy journey. Whatever your New Year resolution affect our body’s ability to fight infections and diseases.

For the body to function in a healthy manner these 4 are highly needed i.e, Diet, Sleep, Meditation and Exercise.

Most of us have a misconception about what to eat or what to eat less, diet is all about learning what to eat and when to eat.

Proper rest ensures our body and mind are repaired duly after hectic work and make us ready for energising next day. Like any mechanical engine, our bodies are meant to move – this reduces risk of heart diseases, cancer, high blood pressure, etc. Meditation is the way of controlling our own mind and consequently finding inner peace which is the main purpose of life.

The 4 Main Requirements:

1) Sleep:

Irregular or no sleep can affect stress hormones, growth, appetite, blood pressure and
cardiovascular health. Research shows that lack of sleep increase risk of obesity, heart risks and
infections. Hormones are released by the body during sleep that help repair cells and control body’s
use of energy. Lack of sleep makes us prone to more physical injuries and makes our body fatigue.

“Your Future depends on your Dreams, so got to Sleep”

  •  Stick to a particular sleep schedule with same sleep and wake time. This helps to regulate
    your body’s clock and could help you fall asleep.
  • Avoid having afternoon naps because these can affect your sleep at night.
  • Sleep on comfortable mattresses and pillows, using uncomfortable mattresses can cause
    neck pain and hinder with your sleep.

2) Exercise:

Exercising for at least half an hour a day can help your body. Exercise strengthens your heart and improves circulation, the increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in our body and hence reduces risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, etc. Regular exercise can also lower blood pressure and triglyceride level which are harmful fats.

“Excuses Don’t burn Calories”

  • Exercise has been shown to improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and stress.
  • Jogging or Running can help your brain Health and Memory. It is good for muscles, bones and skin.
  • Additionally it increases your energy levels.


3) Diet:

akhilasoukhya diet

Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet can protect us from many diseases. . A healthy diet rich in Vitamins, Minerals and low-fat dairy can help to reduce your risk of heart disease by maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Nutritious foods improve health and promote weight loss, but the benefits don’t stop there.

“Nature is so Smart, it Put Medicine in Food”

  • A healthy diet will help you concentrate.
  • Healthy diet will reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Healthy meals will optimize energy levels.

4) Meditation:

“Meditation is the Action of Silence”

  • Reduces Stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation.
  • Controls Anxiety. Less stress translates to less anxiety.
  • Yoga therapy is known to cure asthma and not just manage it. In particular, it lessens the
    allergic reaction in your lungs.

Healthy Food Tips For a Fresh New year:

Try Variety of Food: Eating the same fruits day in and out will lead to hypervitaminosis which can
affect the body. Our bodies are incredibly complex, and no single food contains all the nutrients we
need for them to work at their best. Our diets must therefore contain a wide variety of fresh and
nutritious foods to keep us going strong.

Eat a mix of staple food: Wheat, rice, maize with legumes like lentils and beans with plenty of other
fresh vegetables.
Improve on your diary and meat content: These are vital sources of Calcium and Iron.

Say NO to Salt: Too much salt can raise blood pressure, which is a leading risk factor for heart
disease and stroke.

Avoid snacks: These contain harmful salts which can cause many health problems.
Cut down on Oils and Fats: Too much of anything is harmful and this goes to fats as well. Industrially-produced trans-fats are the most hazardous for health. A diet
high in this kind of fat has been found to raise risk of heart disease by nearly 30%.

Try steaming: Or boiling instead of frying food when cooking to reduce fat intake.
Choose white meat: These include poultry and fish which are generally lower in fats meats.

Sugar Intake: Too much sugar is not only bad for our teeth, but increases the risk of unhealthy
weight gain and obesity, which can lead to serious, chronic health problems.

Limit intake of sweets and sugary drinks: Fizzy drinks, fruit juices and juice drinks, flavoured water,
energy and sports drinks contain artificial sugars which can affect the body.

General Tips to Keep Body Healthy and Fit:

  • Exercising for 30mins a day can also help relax your muscles and give you good sleep.
  • Meditate for a period of time before sleeping, this enhances your sleep cycle.
  • Practising Yoga on daily basis can help keep the mind and body calm.
  • Yoga improves muscle strength and tone.
  • Meditating for 30 minutes can promote emotional health and generate kindness
  • Meditating strengthens the immune system
  • Exercising with friends Can Help Your Brain Health and Memory.

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